Monday, March 18, 2013


Walker, Sally M. 2010. Frozen Secrets: Antarctica Revealed. Minneapolis, MN: Learner Publishing Group, Inc. ISBN 1580136075

“Mysterious and majestic” are the words used to describe Antarctica in Sally Walker’s Prologue of Frozen Secrets, and she could not have chosen two more appropriate words.  The book is bursting with fascinating information and photographs about Antarctica’s explorers, wildlife, and the science behind the discovery of its secrets.  In the pages of this book one learns about the great lengths that must be taken by scientific researchers who wish to explore the South Pole, as well as the frightening and potentially fatal errors that occur during an exploration.  Unfortunately, lives have been lost to its “bleak, forbidding” cold, and researchers and tourists alike must follow strict rules and procedures to ensure their safety and to ensure the preservation of the Antarctic environment. 

One of the most intriguing portions of the book details information about the ice of Antarctica. Scientists study the different types of ice, the way the ice is formed, the way the ice moves, floating ice, the size and depth of the ice, and even the chemical makeup of the ice.  Research is also conducted in the water beneath the ice through sophisticated equipment that gathers information and gives more insight into Antarctica’s story.  One surprising detail of note is the discovery of dinosaur fossils from a time when Antarctica was joined with another part of the world.  There are still many more questions scientists have about Antarctica, but the research to date has provided a wealth of knowledge about Antarctica’s past, present, and future.     

The book is loaded with information, but the story and photos of Antarctica keep the reader eagerly turning each page, with never a dull moment.  Organized by chapters with subtitles throughout each chapter, Frozen Secrets can be read from start to finish or out of order in smaller segments.  There is a handy glossary of terms as well as “Further Reading and Websites” that can be explored for more information.  Though she has never personally visited Antarctica, the author has done her homework, as evidenced through the long list of articles, books, emails, and expert interviews detailed in her Source Notes at the end of the book.  Frozen Secrets is like a portal to a beautiful yet forbidding world few of us will ever have the chance to otherwise experience. 

School Library Journal Review: “With its superb design and Walker's gripping prose, this book will draw readers in and keep them involved.”

*Poetry Connection:  Read Antarctic Antics: A Book of Penguin Poems by Judy Sierra for a poetry connection with Antarctica.  Children will enjoy these poems more after finding out so much about the real penguins of Antarctica in Frozen Secrets

*Also by Sally M. Walker:  Their Skeletons Speak: Kennewick Man and the Paleoamerican World. 

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